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Niños Prenacidos
"Iluminando la humanidad de los niños prenacidos en toda la sociedad".

Faith's Story
My name is Brad. My wife's name is Jesi, and our beautiful daughter is named Faith.

Faith's Story
Faith was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome) while in utero. This chromosomal abnormality is often referred to as "incompatible with life" or "fatal fetal anomaly".

Faith's Story
Over 90% of children who are prenatally diagnosed with a disability are killed through abortion in the United States. Shouldn't our laws protect the rights of our weakest and most vulnerable children? Especially their right to life?

Faith's Story
My name is Brad. My wife's name is Jesi, and our beautiful daughter is named Faith.
Creative Commons Licensing: "CC BY-NC-SA 2.0"
Photos are displayed here for non-commercial,
educational purposes only; in accordance with
the doctrine of "Fair Use".
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